No food in the house this evening—only bread, yogurt and onions—but we won’t go to bed hungry.

These are stinging nettles:

No, they’re not weeds. We planted them on purpose. There is method in our madness.

This is freshly harvested spinach:

And freshly harvested nettles (you have to wear gloves to collect these):

This is spinach frying up with onions:

This is nettle soup:

A bowl of nettle soup and a piece of bread:

A plate of spinach and a dollop of yogurt:

It fills a hole until we get the shopping in.

The bounties of our Lord.

2 Replies to “Provision”

  1. Mr Moo says:

    Lovely. Absolutely lovely.

  2. Umm Layth says:

    You both inspire me, alhamdulillah. But will you inspire my husband to like greens, please?

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