
The doer

What’s going on with this deficit in technical competence at work? Why is it that people who get the jobs and promotions are the ones who can get away with saying, “I’m not a techie,” as they pass on those responsibilities to others?

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Tech support

Is it just me, or is tech getting more complicated rather than simpler? I’m going to have to resign my role as tech support for the family. I have zero patience faffing around getting this junk working these days. A worrying admission for an IT bod, but there we are. I can’t be bothered with …

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Chasing likes

Yesterday afternoon, I tried to have a conversation with our daughter about chasing likes and followings.

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I’m always worried when I see a spike of traffic hitting my usually quiet website. A true self-promotionist would rejoice at this point, dreaming of ways to monetise the sudden influx of visitors. Me? I fear I am about to be lambasted for something or other. Brace for impact. Hopefully it is just an aberration.

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Our eldest now petitions us daily for a smartphone. After all, she says, all her friends have one. Suddenly, I am an old fogey. What on earth do you need a phone for?

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Bright for whom?

Our bright new future enthralled to cloud computing monopolies will serve the shareholders of those companies very well… but the rest of us? Where the idigenenous alternatives? And where the political will to challenge the status quo? The Latvian company, Ascensio System SIA, have demonstrated what is possible with their excellent OnlyOffice platform. But alas …

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Dumb phone

Who in their right mind would buy a Windows Phone in 2021? Well… I was looking for a OneDrive-connected camera, to enable the children to easily upload and hand in their handwritten school assignments. At £20 from eBay for an ex-business flagship, for this extremely niche requirement, it was my only choice. Indeed, as an …

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You are big brother

Amusing that outrage about popular MuslimPro app allegedly partnering with data firm allegedly selling data to US Military is being expressed on Facebook and Twitter, two open, non-anonymised social media platforms vastly more problematic from a privacy perspective. Cambridge Analytica anyone?

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Dear tech reviewer

I love your channel and style — have been a subscriber for years — but increasingly I wish tech reviewers lived in the same world as the rest of us.

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How easy it is to succumb to paranoia. On my return from lunch today, I found an alert on my phone and then my computer telling me that my Apple ID had been locked for security reasons. Apple says: “If you or someone else enters your password, security questions, or other account information incorrectly too …

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Be careful what you say, for the hunters are out hunting. Say the wrong thing and they will declare your social media accounts fake, to be reported and closed. Advocate for the wrong party or speak of things that must be censored, and you will find your accounts inaccessible, marked for deletion, obliterated from public …

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Online in our time

It’s a shame that the same technologies which enable us to transcend boundaries of nation and language are being used by so many to sow hatred and fear of the other.

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Why are muslims…

Google Search is contextual, delivering specific results to its audience, based on what it has already learnt about you and your confirmation biases.

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ad-blocker disabled

Dear Publisher, I have just responded to your plea to turn off the ad-blocker when visiting your website, by disabling it. But I wanted to follow up with the reason I’m using an ad-blocker, in the hope that we can meet in the middle.

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Inner core

Seriously, we need to stop sharing these spurious YouTube clips presenting miraculous facts, which have absolutely no basis either in science or religion.

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