

Our lad says: “What is your job anyway? All you do is press buttons all day.” He’s right.

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The video call

I’m known for my occasional Luddite lapses, but still we should challenge some of the technophobic declarations of our some of our scholars. My wife has just had a seamless face-to-face conversation with her mother, 1600 miles away, both via a flawless video image on a pair of mobile phones, one out about in the …

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Data mining sacred texts

Social Media timelines are awash with the results of a textual analysis of the Old Testament, New Testament and Qur’an, which in a very cursory way seems to suggest that the Qur’an is a more peaceful text than the Bible. Unfortunately it is one of those feel-good stories, easily shared, which falls apart on closer inspection. Firstly because the …

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Freak show

Why do we have to expose the man with the foul mouth on the train? These are the contradictions of our society. We demand more investment in Mental Health services for people suffering from schizophrenia, depression, post traumatic stress disorder and addiction. But when we encounter people exhibiting signs of mental health issues in public, …

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Public gaze

Has nobody seen the vast number of posts on the internet from women complaining about men taking surreptitious photos of them in public places without permission? Why is it that nobody has bothered to ask if it was okay to share the now famous photo of a Muslim woman on the Basingstoke train, taken secretly …

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DeenPort Runaways

It’s a long time since I’ve had the ability to post comments on the DeenPort forum. I deleted my account over five years ago and though I sometimes feel compelled to join again in order to respond to a particular thread, it appears that MAMA (the automated moderation system) is set to immediately auto-ban me. So …

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There I was enjoying my quiet backwater of the web—my website usually receives between 5 and 20 visits a day, most of them probably from myself—when all of a sudden, 250 clicks turn up at once. I blame a stray reader with a massive Twitter following. My five minutes of fame. Back to normal tomorrow …

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Our Intelligence Services may claim that they need new powers to facilitate online surveillance, but it seems the self-proclaimed muhajirun in Syria are not quite so tech-savvy. It took me roughly two seconds to find the twitter account of an individual named in news reports today — and glean all sorts of information about their …

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Computer says no

Everyone seems to think software can magically fix all their problems. I am the irritating app developer at work who constantly insists that real upgrade we need is in the way we think. The reason most of these projects fail is because people forget to use their brains: to plan, put processes in place and …

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The demise of brilliance

I always seem to develop a soft-spot for unpopular tablet user interfaces. First there was WebOS (which barely saw the light of day). Then BlackBerry’s Playbook (I spent many a lunchtime in PCWorld, swiping between apps). And now Windows 8.1 on the brilliant Surface (which Microsoft now seems intent on destroying). In each case, greedy …

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Dear Microsoft,

The key lesson you should have learned from the Windows 8 palava is, “Don’t piss people off”. Assuming this is the lesson you’ve learned, please take note that users like the Windows 8.1 experience on a tablet. If you dick around with that for Windows 10, a lot of people will be pissed of all …

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Windows X

I’m not sure that I like the way Windows 10 is shaping up. I’m one of those few people who really like Windows 8.1 (on a tablet). Swiping gestures, the charms bar, multi-tasking… they all make sense to me. Granted that Windows 10 is a work in progress and far from the finished product… but …

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Cutting through the noise

So I have withdrawn once again – or at least I have closed the door to Facebook. So I am heading for the hills once more – metaphorically speaking. It used to be that in times of crisis we would pull together and seek refuge in like-minded company. But on the internet this time, all …

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in our time

Should we be excited about Intel Curie – or should we be worried? Should we be excited about Drones which can fly by themselves using Intel’s RealSense technology – or should we flinch in horror at what is to come? Will it be a brave new world – or Brave New World?

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I purchased Anker’s Wireless Keyboard and Optical Mouse from Amazon at the end of December, primarily for use with a Surface Pro 3. The Surface Pro 3, of course, is billed as the tablet that can replace your laptop, but for reasons known only to them, Microsoft sell the Type Cover as an optional extra for an …

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