
20-year rule

It will be another 20 years before we know what’s really happening today, but by then nobody will care; it will all be ancient history. By then we will be engaged in new conflicts, more terrifying than ever before, and our leaders will be telling us once more, “We have learnt the lessons of the …

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Black Flags

Today we must protest the misrepresentation of Muslim flags. That white Arabic script on a black background is merely our testimony of faith, cry the wronged. That white circle inscribed with calligraphy is merely the seal of the Prophet, peace be upon him. This is simply the flag of the early Muslims, whimper believers, feeling …

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Witnesses to truth

Last year, photos of the 2012 Istanbul Eurasia Marathon were shared all over the the internet amidst claims that they represented mass anti-government protests. These claims were easily debunked, but others based on traffic accidents and earlier incidents were more difficult to verify and separate from genuine news. In every conflict there is truth, truth …

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With false piety, the rich and powerful trample on the poor and weak, and proclaim it a victory for civilisation.

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Moral superiority

We Brits are so impartial, moderate, unbiased and true. And that’s the difference between us and the yanks. We keep up this pretence, believing it to be true.

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Today’s Headlines

The Guardian: Israel pounds Gaza Strip with air and naval strikes The Times: Israel hovers on brink of Gaza invasion BBC: Israel under renewed Hamas attack The Independent: The agony of a nation: Germany thump Brazil 7 – 1 to shatter hosts’ World Cup dreams The Telegraph: Germany destroy Brazil to leave World Cup hosts …

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Knee jerk reactions

This week a Saudi student named Nahid Almanea was brutally murdered in a park in Colchester, Essex. We do not yet know why she was stabbed or who attacked her, but already the belief amongst a significant number of Muslim commentators is that she was killed because she was recognisably Muslim; because she was wearing …

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Honey Pot

New laws will follow the widespread coverage of a dangerous social media campaign suddenly unleashed. The shepherds of Irton Moor will soon come knocking, because you were foolish enough to respond to media reports with a targeted keyword search. You will be criminalised for your curiosity. Hastag: it’s going to end in tears.

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Lets be honest

A group calling itself “Britain First” posts a photo online of a group of “Muslim girls being led off in chains to meet their new husbands”, paraphrasing an article which states, “women by existing defied the laws of nature”, which is then linked to as the source. The post attracts 16,000 comments condemning Muslims and …

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Another controvesy

Dearly beloved, I have become a grumpy old man, so far be it from me to offer any sage advice on the latest manufactured controversy to hit the British Isles, namely the revelation that a lot of meat sold in the UK is allegedly “halal”. People are allegedly up in arms about this alleged practice. …

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My brother, the film maker

Did we really need another narrative pseudo-documentary featuring the exact same cast as the last three: Tommy Robinson’s EDL and Anjem Choudhury’s disciples? What exactly do these meandering personal explorations achieve, except reinforce ideas that both groups are mainstream and influential? Neither notion is true. I don’t expect it will be the last one, for …

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A tale of two videos

Whether we like it or not, Campaign Islam’s response to the now infamous Honest Policy video will resonate with many young people, unable to sift through propaganda which presents Muslims as permanent, exclusive victims. Most of us have mellowed with the passing years and have forgotten that the young are often attracted to those who …

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For all the claims a decade ago, that journalists are a far superior species to bloggers, somebody needs to explain why so many newspapers now quote stories in other papers verbatim, without verifying the facts; how Twitter became a trusted authority; why so many spurious claims which are later found to have no basis get …

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Taksim Square

Two weeks ago the big news was that Turkey had paid off its IMF debt and had pledged a $5 billion loan to the IMF to help alleviate the European debt crisis. Turkey seemed to have an air of confidence. And yet today the Prime Minister, democratically elected with 49.83% of the Popular Vote in …

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Unspeakable Evil

As the years pass by I grow ever more depressed by our reaction to evil in our midst. We care more about how we are represented than how we represent ourselves. How many more years must we engage in futile public relations exercises, while amongst us are those that promulgate unspeakable evil? For too long …

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