We’re all enjoying the garden this evening, plant and human alike.
A spot of light gardening after work. Looks a bit tidier (to me).
“Could you redo the patio?” Well, I could, but that’s not to say it would be any good. I think that’s a job for the professionals. But it will be very expensive. That’s an understatement. The quotes we got for our little courtyard at the bottom of the garden were eye watering. That’s why I …
Wife is happy. That’s the main thing. Onto the next job. Shed roof. Then my work is done.
It’s funny: I contemplate for weeks, back and forth, whether to upgrade my phone, before concluding it’s too expensive. But then I go and blow the same amount on timber! Still, looking on the bright side, as my wife says, at least I didn’t have to pay for labour. 🤐 Next job: replacing the shed …
Day off work for, er, work…
Reading research literature, I get a bit down reflecting on a common observation: It is a clinical observation that not only do many men with the condition have problems with accessing the job market and keeping a job, but already in the classroom many boys struggle. This seems to translate to affected socioeconomic status. For …
If only I had been content tending my garden.
Mission accomplished. Back to work tomorrow to recover from the weekend.
This job has taken me four hours so far, and I’m only half way there. It is quite solid, if a little wonky — that’s my trademark. Naturally, a professional would have completed this in about half an hour. But then they’d have proper tools, not to mention talent. Time to refuel — family ate …
Down our allotment twenty years ago. It’s good to recall the road once travelled. That was our garden in those days, an escape from our tiny flat a fifteen-minute walk away. It puts the present in better perspective.