If you’re a bloke and you become Muslim, are you duty-bound to start treating your woman badly? Only if you’re a jerk. If you can be a gentleman without the light of faith, something’s seriously gone awry if you think becoming a tyrannical monster is a measure of piety. This path is supposed to help …
It’s hard to avoid making mistakes in the early days of the journey. You’re trying to do things right, thrashing around for guidance, reliant on the assumed knowledge of others — often contradictory — trying to find your way. It’s difficult to navigate those first few lanes, for the landscape is so alien and forbidding. …
Probably in common with many people, one of my family’s hypotheses when I took up this path was that there was a girl. In their mind’s eye, I had fallen in love with a Muslim girl and had thus converted to placate her family. An amusing theory, I must say, because there was no girl …
“Are you well connected with the revert community?” a fellow asked me today.