Yasal Uyar?: Bu anti-kapitalist bir video 2,349 TL maliyet bir iphone yap?ld?.
2,200 people were killed in attacks on Gaza this summer. 203 mosques and 2 churches were targeted. 73 were destroyed completely. We shrugged our shoulders.
As a people, we suffer from serious amnesia and as a result make these crass statements based on the news of the day. We forget that 70 million people were killed over six years during World War II, of whom around 60% were civilians. We forget that the twentieth century saw 160 million people killed …
It has become apparent to me for a couple of years now that there is a real and urgent need for a fiqh and adab guide to navigating the Internet, particularly for the Internet generation. I am alarmed by online discourse surrounding the ISIS phenomenon, as well as other issues. I am not sure that …
It will be another 20 years before we know what’s really happening today, but by then nobody will care; it will all be ancient history. By then we will be engaged in new conflicts, more terrifying than ever before, and our leaders will be telling us once more, “We have learnt the lessons of the …
Today we must protest the misrepresentation of Muslim flags. That white Arabic script on a black background is merely our testimony of faith, cry the wronged. That white circle inscribed with calligraphy is merely the seal of the Prophet, peace be upon him. This is simply the flag of the early Muslims, whimper believers, feeling …
Every generation sees signs that they’re living in extraordinary times. If only those that come after would ask those that came before. Keep on planting seeds; don’t slash and burn your crops.
Why do those who commit enormities occupy themselves with the trivial faults of others? In their ravaging rampage, spilling the blood of innocents without pause, they have become a parody of righteousness. We must invest more in Mental Health care.
If you bomb people back to the stone age, don’t be surprised if they start acting like cavemen.
Now that they have received written confirmation from Asda that it does not have a policy of barring entry to customers wearing their t-shirts, perhaps it’s time the t-shirt company updated the article on their website which first highlighted the alleged incident, rather than leaving this information buried in the comments thread. As for the …
The past century has witnessed such extreme violence, with 160 million people killed in war, that our leaders are incapable of taking a stance based on morality. 70 million people were killed over six years during World War II alone, around 60% of whom were civilians. 900,000 people were killed during Rwanda’s civil war in …
Social media might represent the greatest driver to true democracy, but without without a moral basis which causes individuals to act with integrity and honesty, it is just as likely to lead to anarchic chaos.
Last year, photos of the 2012 Istanbul Eurasia Marathon were shared all over the the internet amidst claims that they represented mass anti-government protests. These claims were easily debunked, but others based on traffic accidents and earlier incidents were more difficult to verify and separate from genuine news. In every conflict there is truth, truth …