Both sides say, “God will grant us victory!” But, in truth, God will only grant victory to the just. Those that mercilessly deploy indiscriminate violence against civilians — on both sides — will only bring about their own demise. Who knows? Perhaps neither side will be granted victory, but will be replaced by another community …
Any nation that deploys terror bombing — obliterating entire neighbourhoods and all civilian infrastructure — is not civilised in my book. I don’t care what the propaganda says.
British Police arrest an octogenarian Jewish peace activist — a lifelong pacifist, once an anti-apartheid campaigner, now champion of Palestinian rights — under the Terrorism Act. Orwellian? Yes, but we passed that waymarker long ago.
I really detest and deplore white supremacists whining about the invasion and occupation of their lands. Our governments have literally invaded and occupied other people’s sovereign territory repeatedly, in our own lifetime. We’re the last people on earth to be pushing these patently false conspiracy theories made true only in our own heads. Perhaps if …
Everybody now sees who the terrorised are. Nobody believes the propaganda anymore.
What stopped Egypt opening its border, as Turkey and Lebanon did for Syrian refugees, as Bangladesh did for the Rohingya, or as Poland did for Ukraine? Instead, everybody parroted the anti-Quranic line of Al-Azhar: stay in harm’s way and die in your land. Why? Well, now you’ve got what you wanted. That desperate people are …
What are you backing?
The sacrifices men make, though they may detest it.
The powerful will always find money for war. Imagine what they could achieve if they invested it in the pursuit of peace.
We’re all suffering from serious amnesia. Commentators keep saying, “Israel needs to show restraint like America did after 9/11.” What? America literally led a coalition into invading two nations nations that had nothing to do with the terrorist attrocites of 2001. If all that shock and awe was restraint, we’re in serious trouble. This amnesia …
Does anyone recall how the United States responded to the bombing of its embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam in 1998? Yes, they launched Operation Infinite Reach, striking targets in Sudan and Afghanistan with multiple cruise missiles. Famously, their attack on Sudan destroyed Khartoum’s largest pharmaceutical plant, until then a major regional medicines manufacturer. …
Not Andrew Marr. Nor Andrew Percy.
Learning of the deaths of British aid workers killed in Gaza yesterday, one particularly nasty troll chimed, “Tell us their names, so we can actually clarify if they’re British or not.” Succumbing to their ravaging hate, they hoped the dead would be a Mohammed or Fatima, so they could dehumanise them entirely. But, instead, they …