They’re still at it, regardless: respectable commentators speaking of the Islamification of Britain. A phenomenon of doubtful provenance. Despite being practised by multiple ethnicities, Islam remains a minority religion in the United Kingdom. What is happening: the term Muslim has become shorthand for any person with brown skin, regardless of their profession of faith. Our …

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Stephen, living as an immigrant abroad, spurs on his disciples to take their country back. Of course, white people can be immigrants anywhere in the world without issue. Indeed, about ten percent of the UK population lives elsewhere, while an estimated 200 million abroad are of British descent. But Stephen, aka Tommy, aka Paul, is …

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Coopting Christianity

Could the Christian activists slathering over Tommy Robinson’s sudden Damascene Conversion be any more ill-informed? Jumping on the bandwagon of a weekend of nationalist marches, they profess Christ is King in the face of the Muslim hoardes, which threaten to take over this sceptred isle. Only, most of the nationalists they hope to appeal to …

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The lack of self-awareness amongst anti-immigration Americans, Canadians, and Australians is truly confounding. Your forefathers literally settled far-off lands and in many cases fought and replaced native populations. You’re the last people to be complaining about illegal migration. No, but I know it’s a trend, especially amongst the celebrated second-generations in the old world trying …

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Lundan tarn

Lundan has fallen to the Islamic Invasion, they chant without pause. This, though only fifteen percent of London’s population identify as Muslim. Oh, but of course they don’t believe it. Even Rishi Sunak, a practising Hindu, has been likened to the leader of ISIS. And the tubaned Sikhs? Yes, they’re the Taliban. And the black …

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Sixty-four million people in the United Kingdom are not Muslim — that’s 94% of the population. What would preoccupy most people, were it not for disproportionate media reporting problemitising this minority community? Fortunately, the Office for National Statistics regularly surveys public opinion, so we have a reasonable idea. Their latest analysis suggests people are most …

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With this slur

What does it take to dehumanise an entire people? In modern times, it is only necessary to invoke the spectre of terrorism. With this slur, suddenly anything goes. That is why one of the most advanced militaries on the planet can target civilian infrastructure with impunity, while the so-called Free World — only weeks ago …

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No invasion

I’m afraid I don’t have much sympathy for ultranationalists whining about Britain being invaded by foreigners, given that many of the 83 known military interventions our nation has staged in 47 countries since 1945 were actual overt invasions. Over the past twenty years alone, this includes military intervention in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Nigeria, Mali, Libya …

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Be yourself

I categorically reject the naysayers on multiculturalism. I’ve written about this extensively and repeatedly through the years, but it bears repeating because it’s so significant — and because its opponents grown ever louder. Britain is, and has long been, a multicultural society. For a start, the United Kingdom comprises three countries on the British mainland, …

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