
Infinitesimal compound

In my final year of university, I found myself a personal trainer, determined to put muscles on my skeletal arms. By then I was living just behind the Hayward Gallery on London’s South Bank. Early morning, often before dawn, he’d call me down from my flat for one of two exercise routines: a loop around …

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Thanks for trying

If I could go back… knowing what I now know… making sense of it all… I think I would go back to those days when friends did so much for me, to explain to them why I was the way I was. I had some real gems of friends in those early days along the …

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It’s funny the things which trigger memories. The latest, a curry, dispatched to me via my wife from her friend two nights ago. She said she’d made it especially not hot for me… which can mean one of only two things: either there was a mixup with the tupperware in the kitchen, or we’ve just …

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Good enough

Some things we forget. Actually, my parents did recognise that something wasn’t right about the anxiety which afflicted me in the run up to my A-Levels. I was increasingly having panic attacks even in only moderately stressful situations, which would either cause me to throw-up or my entire body to become numb with paresthesia until …

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