Dear soul: don’t be cut down by envy. These the words I address myself with this morning, as I return from dropping the kids off for school. All this the result of a close encounter with a dark grey 5 series BMW, hurtling down the other side of the road, his nearside traversing the pavement. …
Dear me, This is another of those letters I’m writing from the future. I wrote to you previously, but it seems I didn’t go back far enough. I feel like the Terminator, going after Sarah Connor when she’s a fully autonomous adult, instead of a foolish girl just finding her feet. So here we go …
Dear Younger Self, Salam alaikum! I am writing to you from the future. In a couple of years I will be 40; you have just passed 20. The year is 2015 and while it only vaguely resembles to world of 1989’s Back to the Future II, it is shaping up to mirror the dystopian nightmares …