A slightly scary evening, home alone, just me and my mother-in-law. I hear the snapping of a branch outside. Glancing over the balcony, I make out the shape of a bear decimating a bean pole beneath our house. By the time I’ve grabbed my phone, hoping to take a photo, it has scarpered down through …
Unless you’re involved in farming in some way, you tend not to make the connection between climate impacts and rising food prices. While the Irish side of our family is heavily invested in farming, I had no direct experience until we bought a small plot of land in Turkey about fifteen years ago. While I …
Time for the kids to walk the neighbour’s cows. Peace and quiet at last.
A pleasant evening in town, enjoying good food and the company of family… …followed by a brief saunter by the sea, spotting our house on the hill off in the distance.
Skirting the perimeter of the hill behind our house: that’s our neighbourhood. Were it not for family connections, we probably would never have chosen to settle on the outskirts of this town, so far east. As it is, grateful to have made the acquaintance of these villagers and these lands.
Difficult to resist Turkish coffee, especially served like this.
I took my parents to town for a spot of lunch this afternoon. As I stepped out of the taxi, someone took me by the arm, greeting me like a long-lost friend. It took me a moment to twig as to who he was, and why he was speaking English. Yes, of course, friends from …
Day trip to Çoruh reservoir, Borçka. We took a boat trip on the water for the first time in the two decades we’ve passed this way. Then stopped for lunch at a restaurant overlooking the resevoir and hydro-electric dam. The very first time I came this way, it was along the very base of the …
After a sweltering day yesterday, disturbed by the heat, we had a night of uninterrupted thunderstorms, the flash of lighting illuminating the whole house every few moments. Today has been wet from dawn to dusk, though the gales and driving rain of the morning now seem to have subsided a little. We hope for blue …
In the ever-present scorecard of England vs Turkey, the kids believe they have the upper hand. They list everything they believe is better in Turkey. I jokingly call them racist. They jokingly reciprocate. But at last we’ve found something better in England we can all agree upon. That is the TV programme, MasterChef. Every evening …
I can’t exactly remember why I insisted on having an open gallery above the living room, other than hoping to dissipate the summer heat, but here’s an observation for other budding architects: noise rises too. I have a feeling we will eventually backtrack on this design decision, separating upstairs and downstairs into their own private …
To live in this rural backwater, you really need a vehicle. We don’t have one, nor could we realistically afford it. At least, we couldn’t justify the expense while we live the majority of our lives elsewhere. Even the vastly inflated cost of a hire car is difficult to justify. Stuck in town this afternoon, …