
Try again

If at first you don’t succeed, try again. No new garden gadgets needed after all. Just persistence.

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Garden gadgets

I think I may gift myself a mini cordless chainsaw. I no longer have it in me to go into battle with just a bowsaw. These shrubs and trees defeat me. 

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Summer’s evening

Another evening of light gardening, though really it is too warm to work.

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A lawn unto myself

There’s nothing like mowing the lawn after a long day at work. While all of England watches the match this evening, I will do a spot of gardening. Perhaps I will make headway in the jungle at the bottom and bring some order.

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Tea garden

Who knew we had our very own boutique café? Taking bookings for tea on the terrace right now.

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At the very moment that millions are ill from malnutrition, here we are, ill from gluttony.

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Man vs weeds

See, all those hours spent watching some random bloke cleaning people’s patios were not wasted after all. Inspired me to weed mine, eventually. Could still do with a clean, though. But that’s a job for another day. I’m pooped.

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Nuts must be in short supply, for the local neighbourhood squirrel has taken to pilfering all the garden fruits. Looks like this one has a taste for Turkish lokum too, since it keeps plucking the succulent buds of the roses whenever they reappear.

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Virgin forest

The notion of virgin forest, untouched by man, is a myth. This the conclusion I draw, inspecting my gone-wild back garden. After just a few weeks’ neglect, vines, brambles and self-seeded sycamores are on the ascendancy. Left three years and we’d have a jungle on our hands. Remove the population of our town for twenty …

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May meadow

Our charity to the bees who, we’re told, haven’t had enough to pollinate this spring. The least we can do, given that we steal their honey. Enjoy the weeds and shaggy grass, dear friends. Bzzz alaikum.

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All gone

So, our big hungry caterpillar munched through a week’s supply of fruit in twenty-four hours, and polished off all the goodies bought for our guests. Just waiting for him to turn into a butterfly now. For sure, we have nothing left for him to eat for the rest of the week.

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Down again

Oh well, that ‘repair’ lasted twenty-four hours. Who knew a storm was due after such  fantastic weekend weather? I give up.

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I’m not even trying at this point. A temporary fix until a professional replaces the lot.

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