I’m a perfectionist in every matter that isn’t a priority for me.
My wife wants a new patio, and a veranda too. “You can do it,” she says to me, “I believe in you.” Indeed I could, but that doesn’t mean it would be any good, or any better that what it will replace. Want a rustic patio? I’m your man. Otherwise, this is a job for …
It wouldn’t be the weekend without some kind of flat pack furniture to put together.
Remind me not to embark on emergency DIY repairs when I’m ill. All we’ll achieve is lots of swearing and an almighty cockup.
A bad coffee is the perfect way to spoil a good dinner. Eighteen hours on, and my innards still feel pickled.
“Envy in the heart, it consumes.” These words pop into my head on my return from dropping our lad off at school across town. These the words with which I respond to the self-reproach within as I pass the nice houses, each with two nice cars on the drive. Momentarily, my regret stings. But soon …
It’s obligatory. Every visit to our old neighbourhood must end with a trip to our old grocery store. We must replenish the kitchen cupboards after all, both the essentials and the luxuries. Fruit and veg a bargain compared to the local supermarket. These bags of produce should tide us over for a few days. Yes, …
What we all really want.
I was pleased with myself on Saturday, congratulating myself for doing a proper weekly shop. But it’s only Tuesday, and already supplies have been depleted, the fridge all but bare. What would have been a week’s supply of fruit now lasts barely days. Any treat, polished off within hours. Either we’re a household of very …
A fine day to resume my role as tree surgeon. Today’s job taking on the hazel and cherry trees blocking our view. Argh, nobody told me I’m going bald. Ignore that. Look: I’ve got myself a new gizmo. It’s at this stage that I wonder what I’ve done. How on earth am I going to …
Is it the collapse of time or memory? The weekend is here again, and I can barely comprehend where the week went. It seems like mere minutes. But then, life as a whole feels like that, fifteen years zipping past in an instant. Were it not for our collections of family photos, I might forget …
Feels like Christmas: I’ve been gifted a brand-new box of teabags. Small pleasures.
I’m suffering from another mood crash today. Nothing serious. Just the standard, “I’m a failure.” I know what’s brought it on. A complete lack of productivity at work. The inability to deliver on my promises. An unfinished job hanging over me. But it led me to ponder on the career successes of all I knew …