Abu Dharr reported that that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: God Almighty says: Whoever comes with a good deed will have the reward of ten like it and even more. Whoever comes with an evil deed will be recompensed for one evil deed like it or he will be …
Are we ourselves obstacles to the seekers seeking? Tragically, I fear we are. Our Lord! Do not make us a trial for those who disbelieve, and forgive us, our Lord! Surely you are the mighty, the wise. Quran 60:5
What must it be like to be a single parent? I’m one month alone with one child, and I can barely stand it. It’s not the cooking, the washing, the cleaning. I’ve been well domesticated for years. I can do all that. It’s the supervision, setting boundaries, the making sure they’re doing what they’re meant …
When I speak of the attraction of that living, practical faith, this is what I mean. The life of service witnessed especially amongst the older generations. That incredible hospitality despite often difficult circumstances. That going out of their way to help others, expecting no reward in return. To be charitable, clement, kind, and merciful in …
Most of us converts live solitary lives. By which I mean, we’re usually the only person in our extended families and friendship groups to take up the path. Indeed, many of us come from environments which make that seem highly unlikely, if not impossible. The sister of hardcore secularists. The son of a Jewish rabbi. …
The faith of scripture is nearly always diametrically opposed to the faith that is promulgated to the public. If in Sunday School we learned, “Love your enemies as yourself,” rarely is this anywhere practised. “Hate your enemy,” might seem more apt. But this cuts across all traditions. In the Quran, we learn of great personalities …
What can make a person believe? A pamphlet? A YouTube video? A blog post? A chat in the street? A profound experience? For some, any of these. For others, none at all. I don’t really think it’s as easy as that. You may be briefly persuaded by an argument or claim, but there’s no guarantee …
May God guide me, my loved ones, and my enemies. May God have mercy on me, my loved ones, and my enemies. May God forgive me, my loved ones, and my enemies. May God rectify for me all of my affairs and those of my loved ones and my enemies. May God make enemies friends …
People make religion so complicated. How quickly they steer and divert those who were seeking God and truth towards frivolous concerns. Leave all that. Hold fast to God’s rope instead. That’s the firm handhold. Let your faith be the service of others. Vanquish those inner idols.
Sadly, people don’t believe this to be true. Until it hits close to home. A friend. A work colleague. A relative. A neighbour. Someone even closer. But by now, we’ve all known someone who has taken or attempted to take their own life. It’s always a shock. Often, we’re even surprised to learn they were …
Once more, I am forwarded what appears to be a fabricated quote of dubious origin. Once more, I must remind the sender that we’re still required to fact-check. Yes, even if it was forwarded to us by a trusted friend about an enemy despised. Once more, I must reaffirm that we’re called to speak truth …
All religions have been shaped, impacted, and diverted by political machinations throughout their history. Mine. Yours. Their’s. The task of the sincere believer is to try to grasp hold of the core. To try, if possible, to stand firm and not be swayed by those that call to injustice. A difficult task by all accounts.
“What right have you to speak of Christianity?” As much right as the marching hoodlums pretending to be viceroys of Christ. Unlike them, I was raised in a religious home, imbibed with the Christian faith, taught to love others as ourselves. We went to church every Sunday. In infancy, we attended Sunday School. In adolescence, a …
A reminder for ourselves first and foremost. “It was by the mercy of God that you were gentle with them. Had you been harsh or hard-hearted, they would have dispersed from around you. So, pardon them, and ask forgiveness for them and consult them about matters of importance.” Quran 3:159 May we follow the best …