This comes from a friend of mine…

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I read recently in the Quran where God describes the muttaqeen:

And vie one with another for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who ward off (evil);

Those who spend (of that which Allah hath given them) in ease and in adversity, those who control their wrath and are forgiving toward mankind; Allah loveth the good;

And those who, when they do an evil thing or wrong themselves, remember Allah and implore forgiveness for their sins – Who forgiveth sins save Allah only? – and will not knowingly repeat (the wrong) they did.

The reward of such will be forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide for ever – a bountiful reward for workers!

But not having the memory I once had, due to frying my brain daily in front of a VDU, I thought of words to summarise the ayahs. Here they are, please have them tattooed on the inside of your eyelids:

  • Charitable
  • Composed
  • Clement
  • Contrite

I thought if I can try to act on these daily then maybe I can too be counted among those being referred to.

char•i•ta•ble adj.

  1. Generous in giving money or other help to the needy.
  2. Mild or tolerant in judging others; lenient.
  3. Of, for, or concerned with charity: a charitable organisation.

com•posed adj.

  1. Serenely self-possessed; calm.

clem•ent adj.

  1. Inclined to be lenient or merciful.
  2. Mild: clement weather.

con•trite adj.

  1. Feeling regret and sorrow for one’s sins or offenses; penitent.
  2. Arising from or expressing contrition: contrite words.

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