Our young men are bitter that our young women are too successful. How dare they be so well educated, with such vast ambitions! They should know their place.

Actually, it’s the other way around. The boys thinking themselves men should take a leaf out of these young women’s book. Have some ambition of your own. Lay the foundations they did.

They studied hard. So could you, if only you could see beyond immediacy and instant gratification. While you were looking for shortcuts to the coupé of your dreams, they were revising hard.

Instead, it’s easier to rage against the modern woman, too educated and successful to embrace the village idiot who prioritised fun over hard work when it really mattered.

Who knew that an educated woman wouldn’t be interested in a boy playing wannabe gangster, whose priority beyond all else is driving around town in a car they can’t actually afford with the silencers removed.

Not all boys are such layabouts, naturally. But then, those young men aren’t the ones complaining about educated women. Being educated themselves, they value educated companions, with whom to converse and share.

Nope, it’s the bitter drop-out who rail with intensity against the times. When it really mattered, nobody could persuade them to study, hormones raging. Now is not the time for taking themselves to account. Let’s take aim at the successful instead.

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