If you’re a bloke and you become Muslim, are you duty-bound to start treating your woman badly? Only if you’re a jerk.

If you can be a gentleman without the light of faith, something’s seriously gone awry if you think becoming a tyrannical monster is a measure of piety.

This path is supposed to help us perfect our character. And one thing that is said about those best in character and behaviour is that they treat their wives in the best of ways.

Whatever you have learned from the latest Alpha Male to outwardly embrace the faith, this is a way which rewards those that are gentle, lenient, accessible and easy-going. As the Prophet, peace be upon him, is reported to have said:

“Verily, when God loves the people of a household, He allows gentleness to enter with them.”

If you find yourself amongst a people who encourage you to be harsh and unforgiving to one you once loved dearly, you better change your company. And make it swift.

If you already were a gentleman, don’t let anybody tell you that this is a character you need to jettison. At most, you may need to halalify aspects of it, refining it to the point of perfection.

“And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between you: verily in that are Signs for those who reflect.”

Quran 30:21

If you have good traits before faith, retain them. Be as you are. Don’t become what you’re not.

And if you’re a jerk: well now is your chance to redeem yourself. Let the path reform you, and make you the best possible version of yourself you can be. And may you be amongst the best of us!

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