They’re still at it, regardless: respectable commentators speaking of the Islamification of Britain. A phenomenon of doubtful provenance.

Despite being practised by multiple ethnicities, Islam remains a minority religion in the United Kingdom.

What is happening: the term Muslim has become shorthand for any person with brown skin, regardless of their profession of faith.

Our children have seen this in their school, from both students and teachers alike. It’s not always malicious; sometimes, it’s just a teacher misguidedly attempting to be considerate.

Nearly 82% of the UK population identifies as a white ethnic group. Treating all non-white ethnicities as Muslim may help exaggerate population numbers, but as can be seen, this demographic remains a minority.

Britain’s major cities are very ethnically diverse. If we conflate non-white ethnicities with Islam, then it may appear that it is a majority religion in these areas. But that’s still not the case.

In London, Muslims make up 15% of the population. In the West Midlands, under 10%. In some parts of some cities, they may appear to comprise the majority. But appearances can be deceptive.

So what does the Islamification of Britain entail? Are Muslims responsible for the widespread closure of pubs nationwide? Or should we blame the availability of cheap supermarket booze and spiralling costs for pub landlords?

Has Sunday ceased to be a Day of Rest because of the Muslims? Or due to pressure from retail establishments insisting on operating seven days a week? Do businesses close on Fridays in a sop to Muslims? Are Muslim festivals recognised as national holidays?

Are churches closing in record numbers because of Muslims, or because the number of practising Christians is dwindling except amongst ethnic minority communities?

Is there any evidence that the population of Britain is turning teetotal in large numbers? If anything, alcohol consumption and alcohol-related deaths both seem to be on the rise.

In what way is Britain becoming Islamic? If there is evidence that English Common Law traces its roots to Islamic Law, that Islamification occurred centuries ago. Don’t tell me we must now reject algebra and algorithms.

If British society is changing in any significant manner, it is not in adopting Islamic mores or habits. Data suggests that no religion will be the dominant response to the census religion question amongst the young by 2031.

The number of people marrying is in decline. The mass media has far more influence on society than traditional religion. Popular culture shapes the beliefs and practices of the population, television far more influential than any priest or imam.

In my humble opinion, the Islamification of Britain is a myth. There is no evidence whatsoever that British society is changing significantly as a result of the presence of a Muslim minority. It is certainly not the case that Muslims are taking over.

What are we seeing? The Simplification of Britain, perhaps. A simple and reductive understanding of the problems facing the country. A lot of scapegoating of people who have no power to change anything. A failing education system producing communities of simpletons, whose ignorance and illiteracy is easily exploited.

That is a phenomenon we should really fear. But don’t expect any insight from the talking heads intent on setting the nation’s mood. Only simple solutions will satisfy a simple people.

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