Stephen, living as an immigrant abroad, spurs on his disciples to take their country back.

Of course, white people can be immigrants anywhere in the world without issue.

Indeed, about ten percent of the UK population lives elsewhere, while an estimated 200 million abroad are of British descent.

But Stephen, aka Tommy, aka Paul, is a curious case, simultaneously born in both England and Ireland, depending on which of his identity papers he uses at any given time.

His various documents presumably useful for bypassing immigration checks that might take a dim view of his criminal record.

His own history of illegally entering other countries might ordinarily be embarrassing for an anti-immigrant agitator, but he is nonplussed, for he is a folk hero.

Yes, for this Robin Hood speaks the truth to power, a lone voice speaking of issues none dare speak (other than every billionaire-owned media empire).

He alone speaks of the scourge of grooming gangs. Well, only him and every newspaper and broadcaster in the country. Though only of the minority of gangs that are not white.

So daily we see him raging, red-faced, about what did we think would happen… people have had enough… sick of the state bending over backwards for the Muslims…

And now this: a hideous crime carried out by an as yet unknown individual of an unknown background for an unknown reason…

But it is safe to say it was the usual suspects, and even if it wasn’t, as a general principle we should vent our rage at the usual suspects anyway, to make our feelings known.

That is to say that we are infuriated that rioters in Leeds last month, which we attributed to Muslims without evidence, destroyed English streets, attacked the police, and set alight a bus and police car.

So infuriated that we must rage against the police and brown people by destroying English streets and burning a police van, while chanting Tommy’s name amidst a community in mourning.

This morning, Stephen’s fanclub are affronted by the suggestion that he had anything to do with it. The chants we heard with our own ears on their own channels are all a figment of our imagination.

No, the riots were all organic, the natural and understandable response of a community in mourning. People are fed up by the double standards.

Nothing at all whatsoever to do with an agitator living abroad constantly spreading misinformation to his hundreds of thousands of followers, lying and exaggerating without pause to a receptive audience willing to have their existing prejudices confirmed.

There will be no rage for the majority of crimes perpetrated by white people in the UK. None that the vast majority of gangs involved in child sexual exploitation are white. Nothing even for the violent murders perpetrated by white people in the past few months.

This week’s murderous rampage in Southport was an attrocity without a doubt. Still, nothing can justify its exploitation by a professional agitator, intent on fomenting civil strife for personal gain.

But it’s a brave soul that would articulate this sentiment in the current climate, post-truth, post-reality, where the ravaging rebels roam.

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