Excuse me, Mr Protester, we hear you loud and clear.

You want to bring inbound migration down to zero.

So tell me, what is your plan? For the skills shortage, I mean.

For I’ve just listened to the conversation between an engineer and his supervisors.

Subcontractor of the subcontractor subcontracted by the supplier.

They haven’t the staff to do the work. They can’t get the staff. They can’t fill their vacancies.

But we the people still want stuff and services. Yet stuff and services rely on people.

Still no sentient AI robots up to the job of delivering care to dementia patients.

No automated drones yet capable of connecting full fibre from telegraph pole to property.

“Train our kids!” yell the protesters. Well, we’ll try. If we can convince them to take up that apprenticeship.

Only, they soon reply, “Cost of living crisis!” Living at home with mum and dad, they’ve already done the maths.

What’s the answer? Is cheap labour from overseas exploititive? Undoubtedly.

So pay the natives more and they will come. Sounds good.

But isn’t that what the other set of protesters are demanding?

Skilled professionals demanding a decent living wage.

“This county’s gone to the dogs,” you say. So tell us your plan.

What’s your plan to plug these gaps encountered everywhere?

How are you going to fix it? Nail the doors shut. Baton down the hatches.

Then what? Wave your Union Jack? Sing Rule Brittania?

Tell us your plan.

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