After the workshop, I’m left with more questions than answers.

Firstly, is my new team really a better fit than my old one? Hmm, not sure about that.

Secondly, was the workshop relevant to the work I do? Not really.

Thirdly, was it nevertheless helpful? Not particularly, because I’ve already read the facilitator’s book, which covers the same ground.

Fourthly, there was a lot of talk of careers. I don’t think of myself as having a career. I just have a job.

Fifthly, do my colleagues have a clear idea of my role? Several times, I heard them misreprepresent it completely.

Sixthly, is my personality an obstacle to career progression? Short answer: yes. I speak, but I am not heard, and I am never really part of the conversation.

Seventhly (this was during the 25-mile drive home): should I look around for another job? Arriving home exhausted: not one with a commute like that.

Tomorrow, I will return to my home office workstation, throw myself back into my work, and forget all about this jolly.

Eighthly, am I just wasting my life away working for this employer, with nowhere to go and no ladder to climb? Well, possibly.

But mid-afternoon, my wife messaged me to say she was missing me, and it reminded me how fortunate I am to work from home, and still  enjoy a decent standard of living.

Ninethly, was it wise sitting in a meeting room all day with several colleagues who were ill, and one of whom was coughing all afternoon? Obviously not, for I return home feverish.

Tenthly, was the workshop actually for our benefit, or were we providing free consultancy to a well-paid consultant brought in to tell us what we already know? Glad I wasn’t the only one to come to this conclusion.

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