We’re all suffering from serious amnesia.

Commentators keep saying, “Israel needs to show restraint like America did after 9/11.”

What? America literally led a coalition into invading two nations nations that had nothing to do with the terrorist attrocites of 2001.

If all that shock and awe was restraint, we’re in serious trouble.

This amnesia is all pervasive. Talkshow hosts are epileptic about Iran’s deployment of drones and cruise missiles against an ally.

Conveniently forgetting the fifteen thousand British and American drone strikes carried out in the sovereign airspace of a multitude of nations since 2001.

These are the forever wars we choose to ignore. In our self-image, we are the peacemakers. Even if history doesn’t bear witness to that reality.

We still earnestly believe in all that axis of evil crap. We still honestly believe that our leaders are basically good people, just trying to do the right thing.

Thank goodness for our collective, cultural amnesia. No need to hold ourselves to account. Did you watch EastEnders last night?

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