The rich and powerful have no right to lecture the disenfranchised poor and oppressed about political violence.
No matter how much we abhor the violence of lone wolves perpetrating heinous crimes, it pales against the brutality collectively inflicted on whole nations by the industrial war machines of our pretended role models.
Can any amongst the powerful claim to believe in God? Certainly, by their actions, they reveal that they do not believe in the Day of Judgment. For if they did, would they not fear an accounting for their actions, laying waste to entire societies?
People ask why the United States, Britain, and France will do nothing to stop Israel in its murderous rampage in Gaza. Are you blind? Because they are merely following a blueprint set out in London, Paris, and Washington.
For three decades, they have pursued total war against one nation after another, intent on breaking everything to rob the vanquished peoples of all hope.
In Iraq, the United States promised to bomb an educated nation back into the Stone Age. And so they did, dumping thirty-thousand bombs on a country that posed no threat, simply because all that shock and awe turned the little Pharaohs on.
They do not care that war crimes and clear violations of international law are being perpetrated right before their eyes, because they transgressed all such boundaries themselves with no consequence before them.
It does not matter to them that every single university has been obliterated, or every single civic institution, or every bakery, or every historic landmark, or every place of prayer.
After all this, will anything be said of the destruction of hospitals and the execution of the medics that operated in them?
Of course not, for all of this is intentional, following a tried and tested roadmap, to inculcate hopelessness and despair in a vanquished people, and to accelerate the collapse of their will.
If at this point you still believe the propaganda foisted on us for a quarter of a century, let it now die a death. Open your eyes.
The very same leaders half-heartedly calling for restraint continue to sign off billion dollar shipments of weapons, logistical support, and military training.
Nothing you learnt at school about the horrors of war was of any use. None of the somber politicians marking Holocaust Memorial day really meant it when they said, “Never again.”
Their personal ambitions will always trump that. They are subservient to interests, not morality. They do not see those poor brown people over there as humans, with dreams and aspirations like their own.
No, their only role in life is to serve as scapegoat for everything wrong in the world. They are the invading hoard, the illegal migrant, the criminal gang, the evil terrorist. And thus must we vanquish them with relentless, merciless force.
Let no balding fatso spitting, “Terrorist!” out of the window of his rusty white van break your will. Let no internet troll, insistent on telling you what you believe, get you down.
Right before our very eyes, reality has been unveiled. We can all see the morality of the rich and powerful. And we now see who the terrorised are, and who terrorised them.
Rest assured that the Day of Judgment is real, and all will be held to account for what they did in this testing realm.
There will be no redeeming saviour for the one who incinerated babies in a display of shock and awe. No claim to be the chosen of God will be of any aid to those who were unjust in this life.
Blessed be the peacemakers. Blessed be the poor.
Last modified: 21 September 2024