My day was going well, until the dot of nine o’clock. That was when our team sent out that all staff email. Now I am dying inside. We’re such a hopeless bunch of incompetents.

Daily I’m banging on about the appropriate use of the technology available to us. I’m working twelve hour days to get on top of the backlog of tasks left undone by a team in disarray. I’ve neglected my own work to bring about order in the wider service.

The reward? A survey sent out to all staff not as a web form, which would collate the anonymous responses and output the results automatically, but as a free text email. Whose job will it be to collate thousands of replies? Who will be tasked with tabulating the data to understand the trends?

It won’t be me, that’s for sure. But that doesn’t mean it will have no impact. For whoever is tasked with the job will once more be diverted away from essential activities to tasks that could have easily been automated with tools at our disposal, a mere click away.

In the end, nothing ever changes. One step forward, two steps back. I am crying inside, heart palpitations thumping my chest. Trying so hard to make things better, but every day presents a whole new challenge. Why did we have to start the day this way?

Happy World Mental Health Day.

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