The whisperer will keep on whispering into our hearts, even after we have resolved to forgive, calling us back to that heedless rancour.

Yes, and this evening it is back with a vengeance, reminding me of all I know to be true but have chosen to doubt for the sake of making peace.

“They wronged you,” whispers that inner voice, egging me on to recount the moment that was supposed to be my downfall. “Tell that story,” urges the whisperer.

No, but I won’t. Let me be true: to forgive those who claim not to remember any of it. Why bring all that is long forgotten back to life?

How much better to seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, the Master of mankind, the God of mankind, from the evil of the whisperer who whispers into the hearts of mankind, from among jinn and mankind.

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