The United Kingdom is a sinking ship. Perhaps it can be righted with a new captain, but I doubt it.

Our hostile environment policy has been so successful that not only do people not want to come here anymore, but those born and bred here are jumping overboard, to pursue better lives elsewhere.

Healthcare professionals are migrating in droves, seeking better pay and more fulfilling lives in the US, Australia, Canada… anywhere that offers a warm welcome and the English language.

Even recent recruits from across Africa and Asia are heading home, shocked to discover that whatever they earn is immediately consumed by the cost of living. The better wage they were promised turns out to have zero value, for there’s nothing left over to send back home.

But all the same, Nigel Farage will continue to whip the little Englanders into a frenzy about those few desperate, downtrodden souls who still want to come here.

Well good luck to them. When, in their dotage, they’re unable to access the care and treatment they so desperately need, they will still be raging at the wrong targets, like toasted lumps living on the Costa del Sol voting for Brexit to keep the foreigners out.

For all the talk of Britain being a wealthy country, it’s actually quite a poor place, home to a few very wealthy people. It’s actually one of the poorest countries in western Europe. Those constantly raging at outsiders haven’t seem to have cottoned onto this reality yet. First Brussels was the source of all our woes, now men in rubber dinghies.

Who will be brave enough to correct course and right this ship? Anyone? Or are we simply expected to eat each other alive, as the crew jump into lifeboats to sail off into the sunset with their multimillionaire fraternity?

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