Both sides say, “God will grant us victory!”
But, in truth, God will only grant victory to the just.
Those that mercilessly deploy indiscriminate violence against civilians — on both sides — will only bring about their own demise.
Who knows? Perhaps neither side will be granted victory, but will be replaced by another community altogether?
If mankind is unjust, we could quite easily be replaced by dense forests or ravaging sand dunes.
As the Quran says:
Have they not traveled through the earth and observed the end of those before them?
Lest we forget, this verse goes on to explain that those forgotten nations were also great in power and imagination. But all that remains of them are remnants of ancient buildings.
God would never have wronged any of them, the passage goes on, but they were intent in wronging themselves.
I pray that God grants victory to the ordinary folk striving their best striving for a just cause.
As for the propagandists on both sides, who have decided to dispense with God’s law, trampling its boundaries without remorse:
May God replace them with those capable of bringing about lasting peace, safety, and justice for all.
How ironic that it is so easy to start a costly war, when striving for peace should cost you nothing.
What sort of peace might 250 billion dollars have bought? We shall never know, for none of us have such imagination.
Indeed, God will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when God intends ill for a people, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron.
May God make us just, fair, and true, striving our utmost to build a safe society for all, free from harm, discrimination, and tyranny.
And may the peaceful live in peace.
Last modified: 22 February 2025