Save us from trite journalism. The Guardian reports on a study survey by a market research company of 1,000 primary school teachers in England and Wales, highlighting concerns about children’s school readiness. The reported findings suggest that many children are starting school with delayed motor skills and other developmental challenges. However, several statistical issues raise …
Allah rahmet eylesin. Mekânı cennet olsun.
Coincidentally, our daughter started a conversation this evening about her not believing in coincidences because there are just too many of them. Which led us to trading stories. She had to admit that my own collection was pretty awesome. Maybe I should compile them and publish them in a book.
Some research suggests that people with a particular chromosomal aneuploidy are susceptible to magical thinking and seeing patterns where others perceive none. How appropriate, you might think, considering all that I write about. Not least for seeing a personal rebuke in a randomly generated string assigned to a file by a web server. Admittedly, that …
Sometimes, it seems, the only way forward is to hit crisis point.
It’s true that I see inspiration in the strangest places, as if a guiding force is reaching out to me from beyond the unseen realm. Yesterday I was working with hundreds of batch files, each one assigned a random file name made up of a long string of serial data by a python script. File …
Oh, wow, I have been invited to join the big kids at the next programme board, after all. I better trim my beard and practice speaking in front of the mirror, lest I blow it.
I don’t know why there’s such surprise that China has built a successful generative AI model to rival ChatGPT. Their generative image models are already way ahead of the competition. I know that here in the West we view China as a supplier of cheap manufacturing and spicy noodles alone, but elsewhere it is acknowledged …
Any nation that deploys terror bombing — obliterating entire neighbourhoods and all civilian infrastructure — is not civilised in my book. I don’t care what the propaganda says.
Suppliers so enamoured by their cutting-edge tech that they forget to get the basics right.
I spent Sunday morning completing work for a colleague. Why? Because I promised I would deliver. The result: what I thought would please them. A polished and compliant end product, ready for them to take over. Were they satisfied? Of course not! Instead of appreciation, complaints and criticism. Which rather hammers home all that my …
Why is the politicians’ answer to every problem social integration, or a supposed lack thereof, even when there is no evidence to support that hypothesis. Naturally, a gut feeling doesn’t count as evidence.