In our tradition, we have a well-known narration, in which the Messenger, peace be upon him, is reported to have said: “The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand the people are safe, and the believer is the one from whom the people’s lives and wealth are safe.” Hadith So tell me, in …
The kids are funny. They’re so used to arguing about everything that when we said, “You don’t have to do your homework straight away; you can watch TV…” they immediately protested. If we had been using reverse psychology, this would have been considered a great success. But we weren’t. We were just being kind, rewarding …
Back in the day, we began our journey to God by meditating on a short collection of narrations, which seemed to encapsulate the intent of our faith. How do people commence today? With weird YouTube videos delivered by raucus influencers, yet to tame even their own egos? Or with a crash course in the cause …
At 90, my maternal grandmother was still visiting the old dears at the carehome, though many of them were 25 years younger than her. In their 70s, my parents still volunteer in the church, presiding over services and parish admin. My mother now follows in her mother’s footsteps, visiting the old people’s home weekly. And …
All night long, these words reverberate in my soul: Fight those who fight you… But do not transgress the limits… And if they incline to peace… Likewise incline to peace. So as I arise for the morning prayer, these thoughts stir within: How might the world look today if we hadn’t transgressed limits clearly set? …
Who will break it to Nigel Farage that the National Memorial Arboretum already features tributes to people of different faiths and ethnicities, be they Sikh, Jewish or Caribbean? Too late. He’s already gone on the offensive, pretending this is a breach of long-established equalities amongst the fallen of war. Too late, for his reactionary response …
Nobody protests for Sudan. I wonder why. Another humanitarian crisis at breaking point as famine looms for 25 million people. Yet more war crimes as the factions perpetrate unspeakable atrocities against the civilian population. But this is a conflict zone that will not animate us, stirring us into an emotional frenzy to advocate for peace. …
Yesterday, I read an article in which people who earn significantly more than I do explained how they were struggling to keep afloat financially. I have been there myself in the past. But not on a salary of £150K. We were trying to find our feet on two public service admin salaries. That was the …
How many times can I tell you that you’re lovely just the way you are.
The YouTube algorithm still insists on serving me white nationalist and white supremacist content. I don’t think I’ve done anything to cause it to select this content for me. My subscriptions are mostly crafting, construction, coding and DIY channels, with a very small smattering of religion and current affairs. Could my past commenting history be …
When I listen to this gentleman, I feel a great sense of hope. If I lived near Cambridge, I’d make a regular pilgrimage to that place of prayer.