My wife wants a new patio, and a veranda too. “You can do it,” she says to me, “I believe in you.” Indeed I could, but that doesn’t mean it would be any good, or any better that what it will replace. Want a rustic patio? I’m your man. Otherwise, this is a job for …
We’re stuck, failing at jobs we hate because… We have bills to pay, mouths to feed, futures to fund… Forget the midlife crisis. Even the midweek crisis. This is the daily existential crisis, during which we wonder what we’re doing with our lives. We’re demotivated and drained, staring at screens, egging our work on to …
One benefit of raising teenagers is that it throws perspective on our own youth. It reassures us that we weren’t unique in being complete jerks. No, it seems to come with the territory.
Preserve me from PowerShell parameters, pipelines, patterns and practices. Give me a GUI anytime. Point and click, drag and drop. It’s true: I’m not a real tech nerd, for I detest the command line interface. Perhaps I’m a visual thinker.
Oh, give us strength. The right-wing press is epileptic about white poppies, all of a sudden noticed a full ninety years after they were first conceived by the Peace Pledge Union. Remembrance Day is not the time for campaigning for a peaceful world, demands the breakfast show host on talk radio. How disrespectful to demand …
It wouldn’t be the weekend without some kind of flat pack furniture to put together.
You know, I probably am racist. I pay particular attention to my Muslim brethren parking inconsiderately on pavements, corners and double-yellow lines in the vicinity of the mosque, and driving like maniacs around town, whereas I turn a complete blind eye to whitey doing the same thing. Maybe it’s racism, it’s true. Or maybe it’s …
It only took about six months, but the service finally came around to what I suggested in the first place — though only after trying everything else first.
I hate it that my entire life experience is dismissed with a curt, “There’s nothing wrong with you!” “If it wasn’t for the fertility issue, you would never have known!” What, and that’s all it is? That was its only impact? I’m sorry, but I knew there was something wrong with me even before diagnosis. …
“When a clown moves into the palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.”
What a stupendous grump I am today. I blame the plummeting bell curve.
British Police arrest an octogenarian Jewish peace activist — a lifelong pacifist, once an anti-apartheid campaigner, now champion of Palestinian rights — under the Terrorism Act. Orwellian? Yes, but we passed that waymarker long ago.
Am I allowed to say no to something? At work, I mean? Here I am, being pressganged into providing yet another “interim” solution, even while I remain stuck with the last one, a whole decade on. Jadely, I’m saying no. A polite, “Bog off!” The service needs to fund it properly instead of forever relying …
I am honoured. The Chief Information Officer reached out to me today for a wee chat. Though no credit to me; this was prompted by a conversation they had had with the budding apprentice I’d tried to support months ago. After a friendly exchange, they asked me what I was doing for succession planning. I …
Remind me not to embark on emergency DIY repairs when I’m ill. All we’ll achieve is lots of swearing and an almighty cockup.