I’m a perfectionist in every matter that isn’t a priority for me.
Thank goodness I don’t live in America, where people have to self-administer that dreadful injection, often several times a week, pushing that horrible gloopy fluid deep into their muscles, with all the agony that brings. Thank goodness mine is a quarterly affair, drawn up by a nurse patient enough to get it out of the …
Oh, how we cannot wait for parents evening, during which it will be reaffirmed that we are the worst parents in the world.
I am afraid to say — though he is friendly man, at last fluent in English — that our young imam lacks the capability to guide his congregation. Not because he is not steeped in religious knowledge. Without a doubt, he has learned well and brings much to the youngsters he teaches. But he is …
Despite working with technology professionally, I have always been cautious embracing it in my personal life. I came late to the world of smartphones and social media — and swift to jettison the latter too. And so it is that I have been a late adopter of AI. As all around me rushed to try …
Quarter 3, and we’re back in the, “It’s a great idea” phase of responding to my team proposal. At least this time the source of that remark was Chief Finance Officer, thanks to the intervention of Chief Information Officer. Progress? Well it’s been added to the Executive Board’s papers for discussion next week, so at …
Change has to come from within. My epiphany came quite late, at the end of my first year at university, aged 21. That was at the end of an academic year spent in the company of an alcoholic, a decade older than me. We’d had some good times, it’s true, but we had some very …
I suppose every generation is destined to learn the hard way about bad company.
I should really take the entire winter off work. Or—why not?—forever. My brain does not cooperate.
One more reason I don’t regret not accepting an invitation to act up into my former manager’s role: the insistence on the exec team on in-person meetings which could just as easily—and effectively—be conducted online. So it is that the poor chap who took the role must set out on a two-hour jaunt from a …
Phew, just as anticipated, the Incredible Hulk has been disarmed with pizza. The comedian returns.
Friday night, and the youngun is comprising his role as tough man, squaring up to us as if we’re his opponents on the street. He’s learned to swell up his chest, looking down on us as he shoots past, dishing out threats. He’s giving us an ultimatum. We just laugh back, and carry on preparing …
How sad. The only letters I get these days are from charities begging for more money. Maybe they’re my last friends.
All these years struggling against my self, repeating the same mistakes over and over, and it turns out my problem is probably neurological. There’s a name for this collection of symptoms and possibly even potential treatments. Yes, beyond recurrent repentance. Who knew?
It’s best not to take things personally. So what if my proposal for a team is consistently turned down by the organisation, but an individual service finds the money to fund an external consultant for a year to do the work we’d do, without consulting me at all? I can’t be bothered with these battles. …