There’s not that much difference between our lad and how I was at his age. Sure, I wasn’t a teenage tearaway, but I was still completely disengaged at school. Indeed, my parents faced a school parent’s evening much like I did last night, with all my teachers telling them I was destined to flunk everything, …
is seeking you
We can be heroes. Just for one day. Did I just save our organisation £xxK by doing work touted to take Xteen weeks by external supplier in about 4 hours in-house? Maybe I did. Savour the moment. It won’t last.
We are the untrainable. It doesn’t matter how many times training is repeated or reinforced. It still won’t be translated into practice. But then, of course, I knew that during the training. For even in the midst of a session delivering the guidance needed, I could see they were not with me at all, but …
To good and evil equal bent… both a devil and a saint.
A country with one of the worst maternal mortality rates in the world reportedly bans female students training to be midwives and nurses from completing their courses. Don’t try to find any logic in these imbecilic declarations. There is none. If anywhere there was a justifiable communal obligation for female education, it was here. If …
At this stage, I’m twelve years into the role as solo operator, looking after all web infrastructure — internal and external — for an organisation with over 6000 employees, serving 1.5 million people annually. Therefore I’m neither surprised nor particularly disappointed that my case for increasing capacity has been rejected once again. This has been …
How daft I was, thinking anybody would be interested in what I have to say. Anyone other than spammers and hackers. Remove them from the equation, and we’re left with no one at all. Lesson learned.
I work on a project with a passion, it occupying every thought and second, for weeks on end. Then, all of a sudden, I stop. It’s gone. All interest in it has left me. I can no longer be bothered with it. Is that good or bad? Could be either. Perhaps I’m never meant to …
Why does it take me to tell the school that something is a safeguarding issue? Is it because we’re hypersensitive Muslim adoptive parents, forever on alert to every source of potential harm? Could it be that we’re battered by a decade of Prevent, grooming scandals, knife crime, countylines drug gangs, and teenage extremism? Or is …
Does our community really need another ten-week course on “deviant groups”? How about a ten-week course on how to be a good Muslim? I know, I know, these are deviant ideas. True heretic, me.
Why do I always get deeply invested in what I know I will eventually have to leave behind?
My photo album reminds me that on this day, six years ago, our home was ransacked by intruders, who turned our house upside-down in search of all that Asian Gold they couldn’t find because, um, we don’t have any, because, um again, we’re not Asian, and the only things we have of any value to …
“Look after your heart,” my wife tells me. “I need you.” In this case, she’s talking about my physical heart. She can tell I’m stressed, dealing with another of those days. Every phone call now delivers bad news. Even before looking, I know it’s the school. One after the other, it only seems to get …