So this is how we roll. I offer expert advice based on my years of experience handling multiple projects and suppliers.

But the ambitious new manager has something to prove, and can’t be slowed down by petty concerns about cyber security, information governance or accessibility legislation.

Nope, they’re going it alone, and will contract precisely the supplier I advised them to avoid based on previous experience. I only find out because my name has been put on a form as a technical contact.

Belatedly, I start to ask questions, only to be met by blank faces. There’s a whole slew of questions that need answering, none of them considered, not to mention a mountain of paperwork on compliance.

Oh, no, but they thought this was the easy route. Let’s go it alone — as if no one ever tried that before, and it didn’t end in disaster every time. Why not tap into shared organisational knowledge to ensure we don’t continuously make the same mistakes.

I could put my foot down, as attempted so many other times before, but these are “strong personalities” and I’m not. So let them do as they please. Maybe I just have to learn not to step in to pick up the pieces when it inevitably falls apart.

This is how we roll.

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