What does it take to stand up in the face of wrongdoing or injustice? A lot more courage than you might imagine.

I spoke up on matters I thought important a few years ago. Most just politely ignored me, but one dear old friend took me to task for it. He felt my speaking up was unwarranted, distasteful and out of order.

Though more direct than most, I think he just articulated what most of my friends were thinking. If I couldn’t toe the party line, I could at least choose silence. In short, don’t think for yourself.

My friend may well have been right. And perhaps I would have done as asked were people in my own circles not mobilising for the other side in complete disregard for the precepts of the faith we claim to profess.

Finding me silent today, some acquaintances try to convince me that I have since been vindicated for my stance. I’m not so sure, for that stance cost me dearly. Least of all many a friend.

But then I note now that everybody is silent. Nobody dares report the news as it unfolded. Search the activist press for an update on that affair, and you will find absolutely nothing at all. Not a jot!

Either they know and have decided to close ranks and not report it. Or else they do not know, in which case ignorance is bliss. Why probe and search as I once felt compelled to do, when you can instead turn away, indifferent to the calls of faith?

Do not mix truth and falsehood! Stand firm for justice! Do not advocate for the deceitful! Do not deprive people of their due! Do not commit abuse on the earth!

But, admittedly, that’s easier said than done. Who knows what livelihood will be deprived for your stance? What freedom? What wealth? Or what relationships? When it comes to it, would you really do what’s right?

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