That’s the sound I make, mid-afternoon.

There I was, working quietly away in my little bubble, making headway through my list of tasks.

Then: ping! It’s a colleague requesting help. I ask them to give me five minutes to finish an email.

Moments later, I’m on a call, asking them how I can assist. But I’ll soon regret asking that question.

Alas, this colleague is extraordinarily rude. They have the arrogance of an expert who knows everything and views the rest of us as complete idiots.

This particularly grates because immediately after asking for guidance, they tell me — while constantly talking over me — that I cannot help them at all.

Eventually, I do convince them to let me walk them through it — though they say it’s pointless because they know it won’t work. 

Miraculously, the steps I offer them work perfectly. However, this is no cause for celebration. This is the point at which I go, Pop!

Day in, day out, I work with people all across our organisation, at every level, offering guidance and support. Most I work with are humble and kind, treating others with civility and respect.

So this sudden interruption is jarring, throwing me completely. Why ask for help if you intend to reject it so obnoxiously? Sometimes, I don’t understand the games people play.

May God preserve us from the arrogant who pretend to know it all but don’t have a sinue of kindness in them. And may God grant us patience and resilience.

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