Today, I spent six hours sitting with my team and a highly paid consultant who told us what we already knew and helped us plan work we’ve already done.

From my perspective, a complete waste of both money and time. I don’t understand why they were commissioned, nor what value they brought us.

The consultant’s mapping of channels was derived directly from a visualisation I produced for the executive ten months ago. Every suggestion for improvement already overtaken by events.

By early afternoon, I was wishing that I’d acted on my intention after the first workshop four months ago, which was to excuse myself on the basis that the consultation wasn’t relevant to my work.

I’m all in favour of consulting experts who can help us improve processes and bring about meaningful service improvement. But this wasn’t an example of that.

It seemed to be all about seeking validation from outside for work already in motion. Did we need six hours for it today? I would have distilled it down to two.

Still, we got a free lunch for our trouble. And I drank far too much coffee. Which is why I’m wide awake late at night, grinding my teeth over funding difficult to secure splurged on utter nonsense.

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