When we have no money, we make mistakes. Or compromises we wouldn’t make if we had better means.

Nearly twenty years ago, we bought the cheapest house we could find within commuting distance of London.

Though fine for raising a family, it could never be described as a sound investment, for it remains one of the most affordable houses in the area.

Similar compromises were made when building an extension over a decade ago. With money tight, it could never be all we wanted it to be.

In the intervening years, we’ve identified everything we should have done differently, and perhaps would have done had we had the means.

But such is life. You operate within the constraints imposed on you at any given time. And so, of course, we may make similar mistakes again, which we will regret in years to come.

The standard if-onlys of our lifespan. But what about Alhamdulilah? Why not be grateful for what we could achieve despite limited means?

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