Muslims must leave the West, says some bloke with a tea towel on his head, presumed to be a scholar. We must migrate to a Muslim country.

But what is a Muslim country? You mean a Muslim majority country? A country where Muslims dominate in politics?

Why? Because the West is growing increasingly hostile to Muslims.

Any more hostile than so-called Muslim countries, where the police open fire on protesters with live ammunition, killing hundreds at a time?

Or which jail Muslim scholars for no other reason than them not toeing the government line?

Because the West is cursed with fitna and moral degradation! What, and Muslim majority countries do not have problems of their own?

Migrate, and you will be spared these trials! What, can you outrun Allah? For it is He who promises us fitnas in this life.

Do the people think they will be left to say, “We believe” and will not be tested?

Quran 29:2

Wherever you settle on God’s earth, you will face trials and tribulations of varying magnitude.

Even if you moved to a holy utopia in which God’s law was justly enacted for all, you would still encounter trials of every kind.

Inheritance disputes amongst siblings. The care of an elderly relative with dementia. The loss of children to illness. Raging forest fires. Catastrophic floods.

In truth, there are no utopias, east or west. Muslim majority countries have problems little different from those in the West. In some cases, their social ills are even more pronounced.

High unemployment. Hyperinflation. Poor quality housing. Extreme inequalities in health and welfare. Both widespread poverty and obscene wealth. Drug addiction. Insecurity. Corruption. Fragile peace. Violent crime.

Let the bright young professionals move to Doha and Sharjah if they must. Let the heat-tolerant move to Malacca, Johor Bahru and Kuala Lumpur. Let the romantic search for their pious brethren in Erzurum. Each to their own.

Just be mindful that many migrated from what might have once been considered Muslim lands because life became untenable there.

Many were forced to leave due to civil war. Some due to famine and environmental degradation. Others to pursue dignified employment opportunities. Some for freedom of conscience.

In this world, there are no perfect places. For each person, their own trials. Our task: to try our best wherever we find ourselves.

That requires a spiritual migration, though. From an ordinary life to the extraordinary. From just any life to a life well lived in service to others.

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One Reply to “Wherever”

  1. Sara says:

    Very interesting perspective- thank you for sharing.

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