Well done Suella and Co. We now have health and care workers being physically attacked and their property destroyed because of your rhetoric.

No, these aren’t the boat people. These are people actively recruited by your government to fill the catastrophic staffing shortages in health and care.

People given skilled worker visas, because social services and healthcare trusts could not fill vacancies from the indigenous labour pool.

Your rhetoric, blaming all the failings of your government on immigration, where, in fact, these overseas nationals were part of the short-term solution to a crisis in health and care.

And so here we are in my healthcare organisation, putting contingency plans in place to protect our staff from thuggish violence. Justified action, based on events so far.

Who broke Britain? Egocentric politicians like you, thinking only of furthering your own career, playing the games that most people left behind at university, aged twenty.

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