A reader gets in touch to say they’re planning to start a blog of their own, and asks for my advice on writing consistently.

Unfortunately for the reader, I’m not a professional writer capable of offering sage advice on good habits to avoid procrastination.

I write because I’m not a talker. In fact, for many years of my life, I’ve had a speech defecit. That’s how writing became my preferred medium of expression.

I write — probably too much — in the same way normal people would simply hold a conversation. However, my conversational skills are severely wanting — disjointed with long pauses.

The question to ask is whether it is good to write or speak so much. I grapple with this question daily, inspired by that saying, “Speak good, or remain silent.”

Nearly weekly, for the past fifteen years, I’ve felt the urge to delete everything and give up writing in public for good.

I never do, though, or at least not for very long, because writing has become too much a part of me.

Do I advise others to follow suit? Jokingly, I might suggest that if you have issues like me, you might be better seeking therapy. Or, at the very least, finding someone to talk to.

Before you embark on the adventure of writing in public, start by asking yourself why you want to and if it really is the right medium for you.

It’s worth noting that blogging is pretty much dead, except amongst those trying to sell something. Those who have kept going know they are mostly speaking to themselves alone.

If you’re thinking of starting a blog either for the pursuit of wealth or an audience, think again. Better ask people with actual readers for advice if you’re seeking fame and fortune.

However, if you’re just looking for an avenue for self-expression, irrespective of whether anyone is paying attention, blog away.

If this is you, my top tip is, “Be yourself.” Don’t go chasing likes, mentions and followers. Just write about whatever interests you at any given time. As I once wrote:

To be able to be talk and not be heard, or write and not be read — what a magnificent freedom is that! 

Insignificant, May 2012

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2 Replies to “On consistency”

  1. M says:

    JazakAllah khair
    I’m definitely of the latter designation, my primary purpose for starting a blog would be having that avenue for self-expression.
    Though I also have the secondary intention of steadily improving my writing, through writing!
    What are your thoughts on that? Do you feel that the blog has improved your general writing ability over the years?
    BarakAllahu Feekum

    • folio says:

      Yes, certainly. When I first started writing thirty years ago, my writing was awful. Over the years since then, my writing has become more lucid. So a daily habit certainly helps.

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