Sadly, people don’t believe this to be true. Until it hits close to home.
A friend. A work colleague. A relative. A neighbour. Someone even closer.
But by now, we’ve all known someone who has taken or attempted to take their own life.
It’s always a shock. Often, we’re even surprised to learn they were struggling.
This is where the soul searching begins. The if onlys. The what ifs. The if only I had knowns.
Sometimes, you can’t know what people are carrying inside.
What you can do is strive to be the kindest version of yourself, in every moment.
To treat others as you would like to be treated, regardless of who they are or what they’ve done.
You never know how that act of kindness might change their lives for the better.
You never know what difference your understanding might make.
Be there. Be present. Be driven by purpose. Be mindful. Conscious.
Understand that the human psyche is fragile, no matter how it may appear to others.
Kindness is a mark of faith. So be kind, gentle, lenient if it’s the One you pursue.
Please read this article and do whatever you can to learn more about mental illness:
Last modified: 11 June 2024