The kids think I have something to do with Spotify being unavailable this evening.
I’ve told them they’re awful conspiracy theorists. Now they’re not sure.
For some reason, they think I have the power to block sites or cut off the internet at will.
I’ve explained that because we have 5G broadband, their websites have to fly through the sky from the antenna across the valley, so it’s a wonder they arrive complete at all.
As for their songs, I suggest, it would be much more efficient to download them, rather than have them fly through the sky every time they want to listen to them.
Now they’re not sure what to believe. Have I done something to the internet or not?
“I bet he’s blocked it on his phone,” they say to one another. “Why else is he smiling?”
I’m just happy, I laugh. An unlikely tale. Hours of fun to be had.
Last modified: 21 September 2024