I find myself forever caught in that intersection between the fear of the intentions of others and a generosity of spirit. The former frequently sends me running for cover, thinking that I should obliterate everything I have ever put forth. But the latter: this begs me to pause for thought. Perhaps what I have written …
Despite making a living from the web, meaning I really should know better, I’ve somehow managed to leave digital footprints behind all over the place. A source of great regret. One of them, an old Facebook account, somehow never properly closed before losing access to the email address and phone number associated with it. Try …
Our lad wanted help putting a picture up in his room. Looking for fixings, he asked me, “What’s the difference between a screw and a nail?” I said, “You screw screws in, whereas you have to nail nails.” Helpful answer. 🤣
If you want a job doing properly, do it yourself. This is the lesson we learn over and over, regretting delegating tasks to others. Ho hum.
We shouldn’t really talk of national or cultural values. We should talk of ethical and wholesome values. To speak of British or Asian values is meaningless, because it suggests that all are united on a common set of principles, or that all citizens make up a monolithic whole, united in what they value. Of course, …
If all the noise online is anything to go by, it must be very hard to be a shy young man today. Nobody seems to be offering helpful advice about pursuing healthy relationships. Instead, they’re being bombarded with unrealistic notions of masculinity, real men, alpha males and the manosphere. Soon enough, influencers will convince these …
Woke up this morning with neck pain. I blame walking in the cold rain yesterday. My wife is flapping, diagnosing high blood pressure. Our lad is laughing, reminding me that we were wrestling around on the floor on Saturday in pursuit of the TV remote. Yes, well, it could be any of them. We are …
I guess we could say the road to reach this juncture has been long. In 2005, I quit my job in the capital to take up a role out in the sticks, which really appealed to me. In the job description, it had a very large web management component, which was right up my street. …
Precisely what we’re witnessing.
These days, I can’t help feeling that the YouTube algorithm is forever serving up far-right content for me. I don’t just mean the white supremacist far-right, but also the hard right of Muslim thought. Wherever I turn, I seem to encounter the most reactionary politics, drowning out all other voices. It probably doesn’t help that …
Death will come: that is assured. None of this will go on forever. Our lives will end, perhaps when we’re least expecting it. It doesn’t really matter to me if those who called me to a better way all those years ago didn’t know they were calling me to a better way. It doesn’t matter …
At the end of the day, nearly every weekend, we regret the amount of time we let our kids watch TV. While we do restrict screen time, we’re nowhere near as strict as my own parents were in our time. Especially in winter, when the days are cold, dark and wet, we let our guard …