My colleagues are not half as critical of me as I am of myself. In fact, they say they really value me for the expertise I bring to the team. This I find astounding, for I am more likely to think of myself as an imposter. You can probably imagine my astonishment then when my …
I like the term, chromodiversity. Like the term neurodiversity, it’s an attempt to change the narrative about common genetic variations from a concern with deficits to an acceptance of difference. But though I appreciate the term, I don’t think I’m yet ready to embrace that concept. While it may be appropriate for those able to …
Taking our lad to the local mosque this afternoon, another youngster addressed him. “Is that your dad?” Then: “Is he Muslim?” The kids get a free pass for asking such questions. Adults less so. But this is the reality of the mosque in our locality: it’s a Pakistani club. Our daughter absolutely hates going to …
See how the world has changed in just a few short years. It used to be that I’d spend Sunday mornings sitting with a teacher in his home, setting off early to drive forty minutes across counties in search of beneficial knowledge. But now we log onto Teams at ten in the morning for a …
I’m not a fan of imperial religion. While we may find examples through history of faith-based polities that were just and successful, rarely does religion emerge unscathed from its encounters with political power. If the impulse of faith is to reform all of society and hold the powerful to account, the danger is that in …
Often I express regrets that we chose to buy a house mostly made of concrete. It’s not exactly the most beautiful of buildings. We did so because it was what we could afford at the time. But on sweltering days like today we are most grateful for its untypical construction, which offers us a cooling …
Today it’s the annual town carnival: the day I remember why I love this little town of ours. An event which will see crowds of families marching into the town centre, enthused by happiness. The atmosphere will be all a buzz. After the floats have moved on, there will be a great festival in the …
We’re all enjoying the garden this evening, plant and human alike.
A spot of light gardening after work. Looks a bit tidier (to me).
Say it, for all the world.
I’m a practicing Muslim. I’m just not very good at it yet. But they say, “Practice makes perfect.” So one day, perhaps, if the Most Merciful wills.