I opened my novel this afternoon, for the first time in a year, thinking now might be the time to reengage with it. But, in truth, it just grates with me now. My heart’s no longer in it. Momentarily, I wondered if perhaps I should or could break it up, and present it anew. But …
I was sceptical at the start of the war in Ukraine when people predominantly originating in the Global South complained that there seemed to be a different standard for European victims of war. Today, I must eat humble pie, because they were right. At the start of that conflict, we listened to the whole of …
Momentarily, this afternoon, I thought to myself: maybe I should do the degree I really wanted to now, as a mature student. But that thought was fleeting, evaporating as soon as I saw the fees. No, it was more a reality check, reminding me that I’ll need to double my savings to get our kids …
What is it that so appeals about our way? Could it be that we are each personally accountable for our actions? That our destiny depends on how we actually behave? Success or failure is not dependent on us belonging to a particular ethnic group or tribe. Rather, the most honorable of people in the sight …
It’s about time the world abandoned nineteenth century ethno-nationalist projects. Why can the solution to all this conflict not be a single state, in which everyone has equal rights?
My most productive day in ages. Because… my entire extended team was out of the office (I was supposed to be with them, but I’m ill). What a joy, not to be pinged from all directions. It was almost relaxing, getting on with my actual work for once.
Watching the news, witness to both scenes of utter destruction and the unrelenting faith of a vanquished nation, good people now proclaim, “We were lied to.” Yes, you were. “What is this faith of a young man who has just lost his entire beloved family — his parents, his wife, his children, his siblings — …
Don’t talk to me about terrorism if you rejoice in the killing of innocents on the other side. “There are no innocents,” you say. Which is exactly what the terrorists say when they butcher and maim indiscriminately. So it turns out you’re no different. You’ve both lost your humanity. Both ways are barbarism at its …
Our governments are immoral. It’s up to the common man now to stand up for all that is good, fair and virtuous. Be the champions of civilisation our leaders couldn’t be. Stand up and be counted.
This brain fog is defeating me. It doesn’t help that I am ill and haven’t been sleeping well, but I’m not sure I can really blame either of those for the almost permanent lethargy which afflicts me. Looking upon myself at my inaction and disengagement, I can’t help but recall that this has been my …
Tell me, does any of this make sense? The strategy of the rocketmen, bringing about nothing but destruction on themselves? Why does nobody ever pause to ponder the illogical inconsistencies of these pretended battles for civilisation? Are we all just fools?
Sad. If just weeks ago I was contemplating voting for the opposition just to get this awful government out, now I’m more likely to scribble on my ballot, “None of the above!” The current crop of parliamentarians is disgraceful.