Turns out I am an anti-social git, after all. Cant stand these noisy gatherings, where I’m thrust into the centre of the room and put on the pedestal as prized Ingiliz Müslüman, to be interrogated at length.
I’m inarticulate at the best of times, in my native tongue. To expect deep conversation from me in Turkish is pure folly. And, no, I don’t have a football team I support. I cant even do that conversation. I’m afraid I really am terribly boring.
I groan at all these invitations. I’d much rather be left behind to enjoy the silence of my own company. Blame a compromised executive function. Blame delays acquiring language. Or just blame the fact I’m empty inside.
It used to be that I hated forever occupying the periphery. Now I realise it’s where I feel at home. Please don’t make me the centre of attention.
Last modified: 12 August 2023