The writer invests everything in their art. Even if they are not a great writer, it remains their passion.
If they are serious about it, they may put their heart and soul into it. Completing their writing venture may demand every sinew of their being and every drop of emotional energy.
What follows is the urge to bring their writing to the world. But here caution is in order, for beyond their constricted bubble, the world is most unkind.
The reality is this: if they publish, they will be shot down in flames. Not only will their writing be pulled to pieces in intimate detail, but so too their very soul.
The decision to publish is a license to all the world to critique both the life of the author and their work. Sometimes there is no distinction between the two.
Publishing is not for the sensitive, or for those who value their freedom and privacy. More and more I find myself called to remain the hobbyist.
Like the amateur artist, who hangs paintings on their own walls alone, the amateur author publishes books only for their own shelves. No longer do we yearn to be writers.
Last modified: 23 July 2023