Kudos to those who work with their hands, making a living from manual labour. I spent my weekend just repairing old furniture, and my body has crashed. Suddenly such intense lethargy.

I had plans this week to repair these fences. I was sure I could install new posts myself and make a decent job of it. But no, my body rebels, sending me into a deep slumber. I could sleep all day.

It’s not that I’m incapable. I built this wee courtyard all alone only a few years ago — and while fasting in Ramadan too. But as can be seen from my crumbling folly, I am no pro. This kind of work is a real craft. I envy those with such skills.

Suffice to say, I won’t be attempting to render this again. Nor will I attempt the new bathroom, that just moments ago I was telling myself I could just about manage. Of course it now occurs to me that, actually, no I couldn’t.

So many jobs to be done. A new roof for my shed. A proper power supply to my garden office. House to be painted. Decorating to be completed inside. On and on it goes. So kudos to those who work with their hands. I wish I had those skills and abilities. No, but instead, my body rebels.

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