I feel like I’ve been transported to another world today.

Once more, I was granted my wish: Persian cuisine, always my favourite.

An end-of-year gathering of our diverse fraternity. A mini united nations, seated together for a very generous long-lasting lunch.

Personally, I could have made do with a plate of saffron rice, delicious on its own. Nobody cooks rice like the people of that land.

While seated with my brothers in faith, I couldn’t help marveling at the diversity of the other guests, completely accepting of different cultures. At every table, mixed relationships: all the world.

Of course, this the London I love, and miss. This restaurant was a melting pot. So too this city, into which we wandered as guests for an afternoon.

It is good to return from time to time, to remember that other world. Today, just father and son, and my brothers in faith. Next time, perhaps, all of us.
Last modified: 26 December 2022